Coronavirus Thought in 5 Minutes

Since PatientBabble is a health related Blog site, I would be remiss if I did not relay my thoughts about the Coronavirus. First….Is it spelled “Corona Virus” or is it “Coronavirus”? One word or two words? I have seen it spelled both ways. Let me do this fast since I’m late for my trip. I’m going to New York for a few days and everyone’s talking about the Corona Virus. As a lay person regarding infectious diseases, I know very little about this scourge that has rocked China and taken the lives of so many people. First, I have checked all the stores around me and those hospital masks that many people are wearing are sold out. I guess I will live dangerously and go without. When I return from my trip, I will relay what I found out. Please be safe out there to my fellow travelers.


Coronavirus Does Not Seem So Scary….in New York at Least


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